About This Site

Assalaamu Alaikum (May Peace be Upon you). 

Living in the City of the Prophet where one can perform ibadah in the Holy Mosque within a few minutes distance and just a few hours away for umrah in Mecca is a blessing, what more can a Muslim ask for?

When in Madina  is  for the people who wants information about life  in the "City of the Prophet" (Madinah Munawara), and what  they can  expect upon arrival. It was never intended as a job finding services,  or any related Job hunting and regulations. We will try to provide more details on life here and various developments, but please don't send us questions or requests for assistance in getting employment, starting up a business here, or to find you a wife or husband, as we cannot help you. Please accept our apologies for our shortcomings and we pray that you will all benefit in some way from this humble effort on our part to fill an information gap.

When in Mandina   is a collective photos and sharing the  experiences and Eids in Madina Munawara.
 This blog are welcome for those who wants to share there experiences while staying  here in Madina, Just contact us and we will post your photos and stories. Send you stories here.

When in Mandina would like to take note that this blog is not maintained by English degree holder. You may encounter some mistakes in grammar but rest assure that we will do everything we can to the best of  our  abilities to minimize those errors.
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